

Hi well as I have always with me my camera. I had few days ago shoot this insect, it was pretty hard because he was movieng relatvly fast and without stoping. as usual i don’t have any idea of the specie. If you know tell us in a comment. Thank’s


Hi everybody

Today Another interresting spider specimen, I found it in my daughter bedroom!! I will tell you the truth, to stop my wife shouting, I had to kill it, just after taking time to photography it ! Sorry for this innocent spider that I took life, forgive me, but there was an imperative order from the mother of my daughter.

Anyway that is life too, awsome specimen isn’it!  The plastic figurine bleow is just bit more than 3 centimeters. So this spider, that I kill without knowing his species name is around 5 cm eight, a great pieces of animal. Just another precision where we are living is 1300 m above the sea level in the central Andine area of the central colombian mountain chain.


Hi evreybody

Few months ago, i wake up early and found this wonderful spider in my garden. Amazing isn’it, huge one, it got the down part of hi body looking like chrome, awsone insect.

I you know what specie or family is, it will kind to you to post a comment, thank’s
If you want the image in a larger size send me a mail, it’s for free > armor.lebihan@gmail.com

Top view, watch it is eating his breakfast an insect looking like a fly

Opposite side, Body view, great spider, watch out this size. Next time i will show you an another one that is look like a small tarentula.

Stay tune i have many other animals : insects, birds and flowers in my collection…



Ayer anoche fue a una ceremonia tradicional, toma de remedio Yage y temascal (tipi de sudacion). De regalo, a la madrugada, pudimos disfrutar la Maravilla vision de la cima del Nevado del Tolima captando lo primeros rayos de luz. El lugar es cerca del barrio las Brisas por la variante.

Que tiene Buena pinta y buenooooooooos dias.

2009_09_13_Nevado del Tolima_visto desde Ibague_Colombia

MAT / Tolima Art Museum > 19 Photo exhibition

Thursday 13 of august was the openning day of the nineteen Tolima photographic show.

It was a nice inauguracion, with lot of art amateur. I met a planty of interresting people. And overall i had exhibit Three of my pictures  for first time in a museum. Three digital print 80×80 cm. I am happy, I had recieved a good feedback from public. I didn’t won any prize but for me it was a good stress.


At the entrance


The principal room of the museum


Public in front of the three pictures from TROPISME serie, left to right :




Nevado del Tolima / EL VERGEL

Nevado del tolima, south face, may 2009

May 21 2009

I was for a trek around the Nevado del Tolima (5200m).
Awsome place, wilderness nature.

This picture show you the south face? I did it from a place called “El vergel”;
It was at the morning of the second day of walking. The goal was to going to natural Thermal bathes of “Don Canon” at 4000 m. His home is one of the best cmp base to climb to glaciar summit of this volcanoe. 3Days walk from Juntas 1700m.



2009 CUCAROnN part IV : Ibague / Colombia

Hey The Cuacaron coming back!!

After Months of dryng finally it’s fine for painting. Also, I had to make a consolidate of all legs, cause they were very week, close to break.

So i had to put some tube of steel to add rigidity; make for  holes above legs to place tube, and close it, with a Shellac past. But this is very very long to complet dry! Now i can go for painting > paint various coats, sandinf, various coats, sanding, and so on. This process is to finish the surface and trytget a decent smooth surface.. I don’t know if i am going for a glossy finsh or not…

2009_cucaron_stepIV_2 above we can also see Golden egg ( actually with cooper painted, i plan to make an elctro bath of gold, for finish coat)

see u next step.

Universidad Tolima / GII


Hola que mas.

Una pequena animacion en GIF con la tecnica cuadro a cuadro, con los alumnos Grupo II de communicicaion social preidodismo, Clase de Foto II en la UT (soy el profe ;-p) , Univerdsidad Tolima, Ibague, Colombia.

Lo hicimos con una camara digital muy sensilla con reglaje manual, canon powershot A650. Despues fue editato en photoshop CS2 usando el herramienta animaciones ( ventana > animaciones ).

  1. Abrir las imagenes en Photoshop+ oraganizar mosaico horizontal (ventana)
  2. Deslice cada imagen en un archivo, guardar como PSD
  3. creear una por una y por cada capa  una nueva diapositiva en la ventana animaciones
  4. Areglar la duracion de cada diapositiva (al gusto), en este cas 0,1s
  5. Exportar en GIF > Archivo > Guardar para web > escoer GIF en tipo de formato > cambiar tamano imagen si necesario > en este 509 pix por quedar bien en my blog

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tchao que esten bien